IT Consulting in Los Angeles: Should You Use a Guest Wi-Fi Network? - Managed IT Services Los Angeles
IT consulting in Los Angeles

IT consulting firms in Los Angeles can help you essentially compartmentalize your router. Have you heard of a compartmentalized hard drive? That’s when two operating systems run off the same drive. Well, “guest Wi-Fi” is two “Wi-Fi” connectivity points through the same router–or the same network, depending on your particular situation.

IT services providers in Los Angeles often point to a number of clear advantages which naturally develop from adding a guest Wi-Fi access option to your existing network.

You safeguard devices and data, which can become complex and extensive through many IoT-connected devices either on-site or on-premises. Additionally, you can better avoid malware. Also, setting up such a network is relatively straightforward:

Set a New Network Password

IT consulting firms in Los Angeles can help you determine the best passwords. Your router will have settings, one of them will involve setting up a “guest” access point, and you’ll need to come up with a password. It’s best to change it at intervals.

Determine Encryption

IT services providers in Los Angeles help determine which encryption motifs are best for your guest network. This is a measure of security to avoid intercept. You’ll generally have WPA2-PSK /WPA2-Personal. This can be pretty effective, but you might want to explore more secure solutions through an MSP.

Click the Box Allowing Guests to Access “Local Resources”

The next step will involve giving guests local resource access. Essentially, that means whatever functionality defines your Wi-Fi. If you don’t check this box, guests won’t be able to do anything.

Assure You Restrict Their Access to Settings

If you don’t restrict guest access to settings, they’ll be able to do whatever they want; so be sure to check the box which keeps them away from settings.

Properly Configuring Your Guest Wi-Fi Network

IT consulting in Los Angeles through Advanced Networks can help you effectively set up a guest Wi-Fi access point for your network. The process is pretty straightforward, but you may want to get advice on particular points. Please contact us for more advice and consultation.

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