Ways to Effectively Audit Security Internally, and Why You Need IT Support in LA - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

Ways to Effectively Audit Security Internally, and Why You Need IT Support in LA

Why Internal Security Audits Are Necessary

IT support specialists in LA strongly advise regularly auditing existing security to determine where vulnerabilities exist, and how to counteract them. There are almost always going to be new vulnerabilities over time. A few different reasons for that include changes in technology, changes in cybercriminal development, and shifts in asset relevancy. 

Steps to Audit Security Internally

It is advisable to outsource internal audits to managed IT services providers in Los Angeles for best results. That said, what they do, you can, too; it’s just you’ll be limited by your internal perspective. It’s the difference between holding a mirror behind your head to comb your hair, and getting advice from another person. That said, internal audits will usually include these methods of approach:

Determine What Assets You Have and Where Their Risks Are

Having IT support experts in LA can help you see which assets are more at risk and which assets should be focused on. Sometimes, you’ve got assets you didn’t realize were at risk for being impacted by hackers. Internal audit reveals them, external audit through MSPs can show you what you missed.

Find Where Actual Threats Exist

As you assess asset risk and liability, you need to also look externally to see where real threats are coming from and what they’re focusing on. This helps you know what sort of protections you need to put in place.

Evaluate Existing Issues, Determine Priorities, Plan Accordingly

Evaluate where you’ve already got issues. Prioritize what sort of protections you should enact to fix those issues and how best to implement those protections. The same can be done internally with no external support, but again, you’ll be limited by your involved perspective.

Establish More Effective Internal Security

Our IT support team in LA can help you figure out what assets represent security liabilities, where real threats exist, where potential threats may come from, what issues need to be addressed, how to prioritize protection, and plan to rectify vulnerabilities. To learn more, reach out to us at Advanced Networks.

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