3 Ways an IT Support provider in LA Can Help You Fight Ransomware - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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3 Ways an IT Support provider in LA Can Help You Fight Ransomware

IT support LARansomware is a troublesome problem these days, but it can be avoided by having the right IT support provider in LA. Working with seasoned tech experts who keep up with the latest developments in cybersecurity is an important key to protecting your digital assets. Here are three ways that an IT provider can block unwanted visitors on your network:

1. Informing Employees about Cybercrime

One of the first steps that any IT firm can do to protect clients is train employees to be aware of how cybercriminals operate. The most dangerous hackers stake out victims for awhile until they’ve collected enough data to determine if vulnerabilities allow for an easy hack. Now, attackers use ransomware in which victims have a set timeframe to pay ransom money online while their computers are locked.

IT technicians will inform your workers to be careful about clicking on suspicious emails or websites and also set policies about which sites and applications are safe to visit. It helps to use web filtering tools to develop a blacklist of sites that are known to spread viruses. IT experts will also warn workers not to use simple, common or duplicate passwords. Employees need to understand that ransomware has cost the business world billions of dollars in recent years.

2. Making Regular Backups

No company should put themselves in a position to worry about ransomware. Backing up files regularly will save you from negotiating with hackers. If you don’t have backups, then you might have to pay the attacker just so that you don’t have to start your company over from scratch. Many times, hackers will destroy the data if they do not receive their ransom, which is paid with digital currency, by the deadline. Sometimes, hackers will destroy your data even if you comply with their demands.

An IT support provider in LA can provide you a disaster recovery plan that lays out steps to follow in response to an emergency. You need to know what to do to restore your data as quickly as possible if you are hit with a power outage, hardware failure or security breach. By having a plan in place that your staff rehearses periodically, you will not have to sacrifice valuable resources due to a cyber threat.

In the best case scenario, your data and applications are backed up in multiple places. At least one of those places should be offsite to make sure your data is thoroughly protected. Since disasters are usually unpredictable, it’s best to prepare for disaster so that people don’t just go into shock during an emergency.

3. Building Security Layers

Anti-virus software is still important, but it’s no longer good enough as a stand-alone solution to block hackers. You now need multiple layers of security to make it more difficult for attackers to penetrate your system. Virtualization allows you to divide your network into secure compartments.


Since ransomware has become a top security concern these days, it’s wise to have an IT support provider in LA to educate your staff about how to avoid it. The best way to prevent ransomware from becoming a major disaster is to routinely back up all your data. Contact us at Advanced Networks to learn more about how we can make your business safer from cybercriminals.

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