Partnering with an IT support provider in LA can play a key role in giving your business an extra layer of protection. You have to be aware of the potential cyber threats that can harm your business. Here are the most common reasons why a business can become a victim of a cybersecurity incident:
1. Lack of IT Security Training
Poorly trained employees are more likely to click on phishing links or accidentally download malware. These cybersecurity mistakes can result in significant problems for your company and ruin your reputation. However, you can limit the chance of this happening by scheduling cybersecurity awareness training classes conducted by an IT support provider in LA.
2. Outdated Software
Keeping your software up to date is important in patching security vulnerabilities. Failure to download updates can result in a data breach. An IT provider can handle these updates through patch management services. All of your software will be updated as soon as a patch is available, which gives your business much-needed protection against cybercriminals.
3. Failure to Report Known Threats
Choosing to report potential threats is essential in limiting the damages of a cyber attack. However, an employee that fails to report these threats poses significant risks for your business. An IT provider can create a system that makes it simple for employees to report potential IT security concerns as soon as possible to avoid downtime and data breaches.
4. No Employee Oversight
Identity and access management software plays an important role in monitoring suspicious behavior in the workplace. These tools can detect unusual login attempts from a far-away location. An IT provider will immediately begin investigating any signs of unusual activity on your network to ensure your company receives the best cybersecurity protection.
5. Weak Passwords
Employees often use simple passwords due to convenience. Many companies become the victim of a major data breach due to the use of weak passwords. An IT service provider can create a password management policy to ensure each employee stays in compliance with these guidelines.
Advanced Networks is a company that offers IT support solutions in LA for a wide range of small business owners. Our goal is to give you the latest cybersecurity available to limit the chance of a data breach. Our IT team is available to answer your questions and provide around-the-clock tech support. Feel free to reach out to us to learn more about our IT services.