Modern-day business requires reliable IT support. Attempt to process information and serve clients without IT support and you will find a number of setbacks prevent your team from conducting business with efficiency. Furthermore, insufficient IT support creates problems that chew up your time, money, and effort. The worst possible scenario is IT becoming a liability that hinders your team’s ability to work. Our IT support team in LA is here to ensure this nightmare does not become your reality.
Recognize the Merit of IT Assessment
The goal of conducting an assessment on IT is to obtain a thorough understanding of how technology works for your specific business. This assessment provides your team with an opportunity to gauge the efficiency of your IT strategy, make the appropriate alterations, and improve the systems as appropriate. The metrics of total cost of ownership (TCO) and the return on your IT investment are particularly important.
Total cost of ownership examines the aggregate cost of specific business technology. The total cost of ownership extends beyond the procurement cost, considering the cost of the solution in terms of operations and maintenance in addition to extra costs created by downtime.
Return on investment (ROI) is particularly important as it measures profit from the investment in IT after procurement and the costs of operation are taken into account. If your business is planning an IT assessment, your investment both today and across posterity will be considered. Our IT support team in LA can help conduct the audit and pinpoint irregularities, inconsistencies, inefficiencies, and other shortcomings as necessary.
Analysis and Action
The best IT assessments generate thorough Asset Detail Reports that detail the IT resources, their implementation, servicing, software licenses, and additional pertinent details. The entirety of IT should be covered including everything from cloud platforms to printers, networking hardware, computing hardware, and so on. Our IT support team can help you generate a guide to map data flow through your company.
Our assessment team then conducts an audit of the network with an in-depth analysis. This is the point at which we identify potential stumbling blocks with the network and mitigate IT risk. We will create a risk report that combines results from myriad factors, ranging from the security configuration to network hardware, printers, cabling, computers, etc. The finalized assessment provides a helpful report that ultimately helps you make truly informed decisions.
Advanced Networks is on Your Side
Our IT support team in LA is at your service! Make an investment in IT with our team’s guidance and you will maximize the return, ultimately agreeing it is money well-spent. Contact us now for more information.