If you are like most business professionals, you have heard of Microsoft Teams Whiteboard in passing yet do not fully understand what it is all about and why it is so helpful. In short, if you hold meetings, you can benefit from Microsoft Teams Whiteboard. Our IT support team in LA can help you get the most out of this technology.
Enhanced Performance on the Web
Microsoft Teams Whiteboard is functional as a web app on all different types of devices ranging from Androids to Macs, PCs, iOS and more. If you are working at your desktop computer or on a tablet, you can access Microsoft Teams Whiteboard to obtain an update on your team’s status. This means meetings can be held even if people are in remote locations. This is a fast, reliable, and efficient means of holding meetings while people are positioned far apart. However, you are bound to run into some tech challenges when using this technology. Our IT support team in LA can provide essential guidance.
A Collaboration Space
Your business can benefit from a centralized area for notetaking and collaboration. Microsoft Teams Whiteboard facilitates such communication on-the-go, giving you the opportunity to write down meeting information and other points of interest to be discussed down the line. In short, your entire team will be on the same page and liberated to collaborate whenever desired.
Moving Items Is Easy
Whiteboard items can now be moved with ease. Real whiteboards did not permit selecting and dragging elements. However, this is now possible with the new MS Teams Whiteboard. This is your opportunity to move items on the whiteboard in collaboration with your co-workers. As an example, a full team can modify a flow chart through this technology, ultimately collectively brainstorming in real-time.
Use Sticky Notes as Reminders for Important Items
Sticky notes are an essential means of keeping items ready to use. These helpful notes can be accessed by way of the toolbar and subsequently organized and rearranged exactly as your team desires. Continue to fill up the whiteboard with your sticky notes, and you will rest easy knowing handy reminders are available to help you keep everything organized across posterity.
Easily Implement Text Objectives
The toolbar now has text objects. This tool easily implements text to the whiteboard. Furthermore, text can be moved as desired. Keep in mind this digital variety of a whiteboard is sized as desired so you can add plenty of text. You can now position text, add comments, create graphs, and even generate your own flow charts.
At Advanced Networks, our IT support team in LA team is here to help you get the most out of technology and advise you on tech best practices to increase productivity. To find out more about our tech services and schedule an initial consultation.