With LA IT support, you can more efficiently set up email servers such that what is called “spam” is automatically filtered out of primary inboxes, and deleted after a set amount of time.
Microsoft Exchange Spam Management
Microsoft Exchange servers are primary business avenues of email, but they’re not the only option out there. Owing to the commonality of this platform, though, in this writing, we’ll specifically focus on how you can configure Microsoft Exchange for best security against spam. The right MSP will further assist you in configuring other email servers. With that in mind, with Exchange, you’ll want to do the following:
Online Spam Configuration
Here’s the step-by-step on Microsoft Exchange: Open the EAC (Exchange Admin Center), and find your way to the “Protection” option. Under that option, find “Spam Filter”. There’s a default policy. You can take it, or you can use the “New +” option to make a specific filter.
Filtering can be automated based on a variety of factors to keep obvious spam away and assure that which isn’t spam, but is new to your server, isn’t improperly filtered out. What tends to happen by default is this: un-trusted messages are sent to the junk folder and deleted automatically after a set period of time.
There are many things you can do to configure email servers for automated spam management; discussing your options with LA IT support professionals will help you find the least complicated and most convenient solution.
Bulk Email Settings
IT experts can also help you stem the tide of spam that comes in the form of “bulk email”. Like “bulk mail” of yesteryear, bulk email is marketing outreach automated and sent to whatever email addresses those who commission such marketing options are able to get hold of.
Block Lists
Sometimes there are situations where spammers have enough savvy they can sneak by traditional anti-spam filters and bug you or your staff. For such persistent underhanded marketers, you will want to establish effective blocklisting.
Essentially, when email servers have block lists, any messages from blocked addresses won’t be “sendable”. They will “explode on the launch pad”, as the saying goes.
Spam Banishment
Our LA IT support professionals can help you configure your Microsoft Exchange email server in a way that eliminates spam. Bulk email settings and block lists can also be helpful, and many of the tactics employed here translate to other email servers in one way or another. To learn more about spam management across diverse email servers, contact us at Advanced Networks.