With the recent news of the Facebook data breach, your priority should be consulting IT support experts in LA on how to protect your account in the best way possible. If you have used Facebook for quite some time, your account indeed contains veritable treasures, ranging from chats, selfies, news, and many other aspects of your personal life. However, you should take several measures to keep your account secure. Outlined below are best practices that can help you protect your Facebook account.
Password Best Practices
Securing your login begins with choosing a strong password for your Facebook account. Interestingly, it was discovered that Facebook had been storing user passwords in plain text for a long time. While this negligence never led to a breach in their database, the error predisposed millions of Facebook and Instagram accounts to hacking.
Therefore, besides using a strong password, you should adopt other password protection best practices to enhance security. The first is storing your password using password managers. Password managers create and store strong passwords for your accounts. You should also consider enabling two-factor authentication in your account.
Curate Your Friends List
Facebook is a social media platform with all manner of people. From your family members, distant relatives, workmates, and supervisors to total strangers, you interact with all characters. With such interactions, not all friends will be pleased with your posts. Fortunately, Facebook enables users to segment their friend lists into groups. With this, you can choose which group gets to see which posts.
Similarly, you shouldn’t accept requests from vague accounts and people you don’t know. Random requests might be from scammers who can spam your timeline with unnecessary content. They can also tag and send malicious messages to you and your Facebook contacts. That said, besides controlling your friend list, you should also control your tagging. Take control of what other people tag you by changing these settings from timeline and Tagging settings options.
Turn Off Face Recognition
A worrying yet overly underestimated fact about Facebook is that it has several pictures of your face taken from multiple angles. Combined with other details, such as full name, birth date, schools attended, hometown, and family members, you will be predisposing yourself to identify theft and social engineering risks.
Therefore, it is best to delete or restrict access to this information. Similarly, IT support professionals in LA recommend that you turn off face recognition under the Face Recognition tab.
Bottom Line
While there is no completely safe way of using Facebook, implementing various security measures will increase the safety of your account. You can also consult our IT support experts in LA for more tips on how to protect your Facebook account and your business. or personal data. Get in touch with us at Advanced Networks for more information.