How to Avoid Cyber-attacks with Irvine IT Support - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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Irvine IT support

Irvine IT support may be one of the best ways to keep your SMB’s network safe from cyber-attacks. Not only can your computer be completely destroyed by certain viruses, but these can also bleed into your network and wreak havoc. Certainly, internal security can help, but it may not be enough. Compounding the issue, there’s evidence that SMBs are a prime cybercrime target.

Managed IT services providers in Orange County can help you determine protocols that will keep your business as safe as possible from cyber-attack. Some things might be overkill for your SMB, but the majority of protection measures have a basic enough quality— and an effective enough outcome— that it’s worth it. Several tactics to explore include:

Continually Educating Personnel

Irvine IT support firm advise that you educate personnel on security best practices to safeguard your SMB’s network. This education can’t be a singular event, it’s got to take place at intervals. Ideally, you’d have some sort of weekly meeting about the latest tech issues.

Realistically, you can get away with a quarterly or biannual refresher. MSPs can keep you appraised of security threats and ensure your employees don’t incidentally invite disaster. The greatest cybersecurity threats are actually internal, and many develop from simple user error.

Installing and Updating Antivirus Software and Firewalls

Managed IT services providers in Orange County can help you source and install the latest, greatest antivirus and firewall software. Additionally, they can help you apply automated updates so new patches are immediately applied as soon as new threats are known.

Establishing BDR and DRaaS Protections Against the Worst-Case Scenario

Backup and Data Recovery (BDR) is a system of protocols to protect your data against emergency and back it up in case you lose it. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a cloud option that can also protect operations should all threat prevention measures fail.

Safeguarding Your SMB

Our Irvine IT support team at Advanced Networks can help advise you on the best security options like BDR, DRaaS, antivirus and firewall updates, and continuous personnel education. Contact us for more information.

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