Avoid Cyber Thieves on Social Media with Managed IT Services in Orange County - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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Managed IT services firms in Orange County regularly advise clients concerning cyber thieves on social media. Since social media is more “casual” than traditional business software, people let their guard down. This isn’t a big deal for those who aren’t professionally using social media. However, owing to modern marketing, mobile computing, and decentralization, social media marketing is becoming core to businesses. Accordingly, new threats arise.

IT consultants in Orange County can help you identify common issues and avoid practices that lead to operational compromise. Several tactics you should take— and which you should advise teams using social media of— include the following:

Be Careful with URLs

Managed IT services firms in Orange County often advise marketers using social media that they should be careful not to click on every link they find, even if it feeds directly into some sought need. There are “URL translators” that can change a URL from a pernicious site, condensing it for social media. When you go there, malware can probe your network. Vet URLs. Twitter is the worst offender here. You need real-time protection.

“Phishing” Messages: “Is This You?” and Profile Impersonation

IT consultants in Orange County can help you learn what “phishing” messages look like. Oftentimes a social media “Friend” will be hacked, and you’ll get a message saying something like “LOL, is this you?” followed by a link. You click the link, it asks for your login info, and then you’re hacked. Also, cyber thieves will make fake accounts with the names of your friends to hack you.

Random Friend Requests from Extraordinarily Attractive “People” or Influencers

You’ve likely experienced this: some perfect “10” model sends you a friend request, and then you get a bunch of messages from a bot that have a “sensual” aspect to them. The idea is to scam you into putting personal information into a website. The same can happen with “influencers” or “celebrities” who have fake accounts made with their name by cyber thieves. Vet all friend requests carefully.

Maximizing Social Media Use and Retaining Safety

Managed IT services experts in Orange County through Advanced Networks can help you exercise safe online practices with your business when utilizing social media. Watch the URLs you click on, know the lures of “phishermen” and vet all friend requests. These are only a few precautions, but there are more to consider. Contact us for more information.

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