Benefits of Managed Cloud Hosting from an IT Consulting Firm in Los Angeles - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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Benefits of Managed Cloud Hosting from an IT Consulting Firm in Los Angeles

With the advancement in technology, IT consulting services in Los Angeles such as cloud hosting have also evolved with time. Originally, most businesses leaned more on the public cloud it was flexible, scalable, and cost-effective. With time, business owners started looking for a more secure and reliable solution— that is when the private cloud started taking center stage. However, today, people are now using the best of both technologies through managed solutions.

With managed cloud hosting, you are not only assured of security, but you also get the benefit of cost efficiency. Here are more benefits of managed cloud hosting:

Cost Effectiveness

Cloud-based services save a lot in terms of expenses. However, if you use on-premise managed hosting, you will incur maintenance and repair expenses. Thus, businesses can evade the costly data center infrastructure and servers by leveraging the services of a cloud hosting provider.


With managed cloud hosting, the provider takes full charge of your network. This makes the whole setup reliable since your provider will solve problems before they happen and make the necessary updates to your network. With reliability, of course, comes security. You want an IT environment where you are guaranteed safety for your customers, employees, and business data.

Enhanced Security

When the cloud was first invented, most people were a bit hesitant about moving their information to off-premise locations because they were unsure of how safe it was going to be. However, with IT consulting services in Los Angeles, people are now well informed of how the cloud works. With managed cloud hosting, your data is secure as hosting providers make clients’ data security a priority. You would be surprised to learn that keeping data in your data center is not as secure as the one with a managed hosting provider.

Improved Performance and Speed

A managed cloud hosting provider works day and night to ensure the system is in a good state so that it works with high speed. You can sit back and focus on your bottom line as your vendor makes network updates and handles any issue that may cause slow down the network and affect performance.


The best part about managed cloud hosting is customization of services. Everything can be tailored to meet your requirements. This, in turn, offers scalability. Whether you have a small or big business, you will get solutions that will work for you.

Work with Us!

If you are still in doubt about managed cloud hosting, talk to our IT consulting team in Los Angeles at Advanced Networks. Our IT experts will clear any doubt so that you can take the right steps for your business. Contact us to learn more.

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