Benefits of Cloud Servers from IT Support Providers in LA

Benefits of Cloud Servers from IT Support Providers in LA

If you’ve been struggling with downtime and incompatibility of physical servers, it’s time to upgrade and put your mind at ease with a cloud server from an IT support provider in LA. A cloud server is a piece of server space that’s offered via the Internet to users at various locations. It operates on the same principles as a typical physical server but has better functionality and reliability. While traditional dedicated servers are hardware-dependent, cloud servers run as hardware and software-independent units meaning that they have all the software required to run seamlessly and doesn’t depend on any central software.

A lot of businesses have migrated to cloud servers and they’re enjoying the numerous benefits of cloud servers. If your business hasn’t migrated to cloud servers yet, then here are some of the reasons why you should do so:

1. Cost-Effective

Compared to traditional dedicated servers, cloud servers are highly economical and cost-effective. For the same price, you’re likely to receive almost double the resources and speed with cloud servers than from traditional dedicated servers. The memory, processing, and I/O are exclusively reserved for your cloud server and the nagging inconveniences caused by traffic from other customers will not affect you in any way.

2. Robust and Faster Network

The performance of cloud servers depends on the setup of the underlying network. Your IT support provider in LA should have underlying networks which are fine-tuned to perfection, as well as storage system I/O speeds that are reliable and accessible to the world at all times.

3. Improved Scalability

There’s nothing more important to businesses than scalability. The ability to upgrade and downgrade depending on the availability of resources is very important. Cloud servers come in handy in this aspect. Cloud servers scale very well. With cloud servers, it’s easier and more efficient to add upgrades. It’s also cost-effective and anytime you want to downgrade, you can quickly and easily do so.

4. Assured Stability and Security

Cyber security is something that is of great concern to many companies. With cloud servers, there’s no need to worry about security. Stability is also assured because regardless of how much people overload their cloud servers, yours will not be affected because the resources are dedicated.

5. Easier Customization

Another benefit that businesses enjoy with cloud servers is quick and easy modification of the server software to meet your needs— this is handy for any business.

At Advanced Networks, we’re here to help your business migrate to the cloud. We also offer a wide variety of business IT solutions, from managed services and disaster recovery backup to security solutions and IT support in LA. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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