How IT Consultants in Los Angeles Keep Businesses Updated on Technology - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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Many business owners may feel left behind technologically if they don’t transition to cloud-based solutions. Outsourcing to IT consultants in Los Angeles is a reliable way to stay on top of cybersecurity and new technology for your industry. While large-scale manufacturers and retailers are rapidly deploying IoT sensors to collect big data, small business owners may wonder where they fit in.

Using IT to Strengthen Cybersecurity

Staying up to date with the latest cybersecurity technology is important, but technology alone won’t take care of every cyberthreat. The combination of technology and people is very powerful since it takes trained and skilled technicians to ensure a particular solution works. IT consultants in Los Angeles can fill many gaps related to data protection.

Cyberthreats continue to increase, so management can no longer write off cybercrime as just some other organization’s problem. Hackers can potentially disrupt any business, as every online entity needs data protection through several layers of cybersecurity. Not every business has staff members with technical knowledge to take on the role of an IT manager who oversees cybersecurity. It’s better to hire actual IT experts with a proven track record for maintaining business continuity for clients.

Every business that stores confidential data electronically is responsible for protecting the data and meeting government compliance. In the United States, certain industries like healthcare must be HIPAA-compliant. Meanwhile, European businesses must meet General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.

Shifting to the Cloud for Remote Capabilities

During the pandemic many businesses accelerated their destination to the cloud in order to offer employees remote work. The work-from-home model had already been brewing for years then exploded with statewide shutdowns across America.

Not only is cloud-based remote work an effective solution for social distancing, but it also lets employees work more flexibly and set their own schedules. Furthermore, remote work reduces the need for costly commuting, which also helps the environment. Additionally, remote work allows for seamless online collaboration in real time. 

The cloud has a long list of cost-cutting and time-saving advantages. When you combine the cloud with allowing employees to work on their own devices, your company has less need for expensive hardware. At the same time, remote work opens up hacking possibilities for cybercriminals. By working with an experienced IT team, you’ll greatly reduce the chances of a cybersecurity breach, which can cost millions to fix.


Our IT consultants in Los Angeles can help you streamline your business and prepare your organization for future innovation. Working with experts is an effective way to enhance an organization. Contact us at Advanced Networks for more information about modernizing your business with cloud-based solutions and IT problem-solving expertise.

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