How IT Support Providers in LA Can Help You Avoid Phishing Threats in 2019 - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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New cyber threats emerge on a daily basis. While you may be able to stay ahead of them through internal solutions, using external options is recommendable for more up-to-date and effective solutions. Following are three main phishing scams likely to plague 2019 and how IT support providers in LA can help you avoid them:

1. SaaS Credential Theft

IT support providers in LA help safeguard against impersonated SaaS options such as Office 365 or Slack. What happens is the cybercriminals send you a message saying your account has been hacked and invite you to log in so you can set a new password. Of course, they then steal your password. Avoiding this is as easy as initiating multifactor authentication protocols spanning infrastructural surface area. Accordingly, managed service providers (MSPs) help initiate such preventative solutions.

2. Messaging App Vulnerability

IT services providers in Los Angeles help train users pertaining to messaging app hacks. Basically, the same techniques previously used to trick users into downloading questionable attachments are perpetuated through Direct Messages (DMs). A name you recognize sends you a link, you click it, and then you’re infected. Employee education is your best defense tactic here.

3. Business Email Correspondence Threats

IT services can be essential protections, because social engineering hack technique is used to trick network users into voluntarily giving up information. If you’re unsure, you might just switch channels to send the sensitive data as a means of ensuring validity in the request. Again, MSPs provide essential help.

Keeping Business Safe from Cybercrime in 2019

An IT support provider in LA like Advanced Networks can help you avoid email correspondence threats, messaging app vulnerability, and SaaS credential theft through multifactor authentication, employee training, and techniques like channel switching when there’s some question as to digital identity. Working with qualified tech experts can be essential in protecting you from these and future digital threats. Contact us for more information.

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