How Irvine IT Support Providers Can Help You Remain HIPAA Compliant - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

Irvine IT supportHealthcare organizations are always a top target for cybercriminals, but Irvine IT support providers can play a key role in keeping your organization well-protected. Confidential patient data in the healthcare industry is highly valuable on the dark web. However, you can reduce the chance of a data breach by using an IT provider to assist your company in following all the latest HIPAA compliance guidelines. An IT service provider will walk you through step by step to maximize cybersecurity and ensure that you do not become the next victim of a cyber-attack.

Here are three ways that a managed service provider can help your healthcare organization follow the latest HIPAA regulations:

#1 Routine Security Audits

One of the most effective ways to keep your healthcare company well-protected is to perform security audits on a routine basis. The main objective of an audit is to identify any potential areas of weakness that may result in a cybersecurity incident. An IT service company will provide a detailed report on the various areas that need improvement and will ensure that your company isn’t violating any HIPAA guidelines.

#2 Develop an Action Plan

The next step in maximizing IT security for your company is to develop an action plan to improve any areas of weakness within your organization. Irvine IT support providers will help your company implement new policies and procedures to limit the chance of a data breach. An IT service provider will also document each policy change in the event that your healthcare organization undergoes a HIPAA audit.

#3 Employee Education

A managed service provider is never satisfied with standard IT security but is always looking for new ways to improve cybersecurity. Cyber threats continue to grow more complex each day, and it is the mission of an IT service provider to keep your healthcare company well-protected at all times. A managed service provider will regularly educate employees on the most common cyber threats to ensure that they have the knowledge and resources to always remain in HIPAA compliance.

Advanced Networks is one of the leading Irvine IT support providers that focus on helping healthcare organizations remain in HIPAA compliance. Our trained IT staff members will maximize security for your company by performing routine audits, developing action plans, and educating employees on the most common dangers of cyber threats. IT security is a full-time job, and a managed service provider is one of the best investments in keeping your data secure. Feel free to reach out to us today to learn more about the benefits of using a managed service provider to remain in HIPAA compliance.

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