IT Consultants in Los Angeles: 5 Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud

IT Consultants in Los Angeles: 5 Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud

Many companies are reluctant to move all or part of their operations to the cloud. According to IT consultants in Los Angeles, this is because many don’t want to give up their existing IT estate and are not sure how to start the move in the first place. This hesitation is costing companies in many ways. Here’s a look at five benefits companies gain when they start moving to the cloud for their digital operations:

1. Cutting the Cost of Collaboration

When you have people in different locations trying to work together, you need a central solution that gives everyone the access they need. Using a random selection of collaboration tools to keep everyone connected ends up costing you in terms of both money and efficiency. Cloud collaboration tools will cut both of these costs. You spend less on software and hardware while improving your operational efficiency.

2. Improving Productivity with the Latest Technologies

With the cloud, all of your employees have access to the same software, files, and tools no matter where they are. This improves every employee’s productivity level. They have options when it comes to how they communicate, including voice, video, messaging and email. They can share files with no effort and collaborate without a problem.

3. Improving the User Experience Continuously

Users are often reluctant to move toward a new technology due to a lack of training or poor infrastructure. These are reasons often cited by companies who don’t want to waste money. When adopting any new technology, it is important for an organization to do it with continuous improvement in mind. That means giving adequate training, providing proper support, and listening to pain points when a user brings one up. One of the major benefits the cloud brings is the wealth of tools and options available to customize and improve each user’s experience.

4. Increasing the Organization’s Agility and Resilience

Disasters can hit your business at any moment. If your data center gets hit with a major disaster, do you have the ability to recover and get your operations back up to speed? With cloud computing services from IT consultants in Los Angeles, you can get built-in recovery. Data is stored at more than one facility, and it’s backed up automatically. If one data center gets hit, it takes a very short time for everything to come up at another location.

5. Exploiting the Best of the Organization’s Legacy Systems

You have a lot of money invested in your internal digital operations, and it is understandable why you don’t want to leave them behind. The best benefit of moving to the cloud is that you can take the best of your legacy systems with you. You can integrate the systems that are key to your operations while also benefiting from the latest technologies available on the cloud.

These benefits show why it’s important for a company to move to the cloud for their digital operations. However, how to start that move is a big part of the challenge.

IT consultants in Los Angeles bring critical knowledge to the table when it comes to cloud operations. Contact us now at Advanced Networks, we can help you start the move.

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