Accessing data at specific points in time from nearly any location is quickly becoming the norm. If your business cannot perform such data retrieval, you are at a competitive disadvantage. Our IT consulting team in Los Angeles can help level the playing field. We can help you prepare for a digital attack, a natural disaster or another unexpected event. Even though you do not think about such potentially devastating scenarios on a daily basis, they are bound to occur at some point in the future. The question is whether you are adequately prepared.
Prepare for the Worse
Small business owners and managers should analyze their data backup and disaster recovery processes at least once per year. Furthermore, these systems should be tested with regularity. Anything short of such preparation will put data in jeopardy. Keep in mind: your workforce is that much more vulnerable now that they are working from their devices on-the-go. If your business is not prepared for the unexpected, you will suffer downtime, lose clients and might even find it difficult to stay in the black.
Earthquakes Are Not the Only Threat
It is not only Mother Nature that threatens data. Small businesses are also vulnerable to malware. Digital attacks conducted through malware have increased considerably across the past half-decade. It does not matter if your team uses Macs, PCs, smartphones or anything else; all computers connected to the web are vulnerable to malware.
A Business Continuity Plan Can Save Your Business
Do not be intimidated by the prospect of creating a business continuity plan. Our IT consulting team in Los Angeles can help you create a business continuity plan to prepare your business for digital attacks and non-digital events so you can continue operations and bounce back following an emergency. Do not fall into the trap of neglecting your business continuity plan. Your team can be hard at work during attacks or disasters while the competition is stunted as long as you are willing to implement and review a business continuity plan. However, the mere creation and implementation of such a plan will not suffice. Once your data backup and recovery solutions are made, they must be tested. Unfortunately, about one-third of small and medium-sized businesses do not test their data backup strategies and recovery solutions. About three-quarters of those who perform such tests pinpointed flaws. Let us test your data backup solutions and you will rest easy.
Our IT consulting team in Los Angeles can help you with all your tech problems. Whether you need assistance with IT security, enterprise IT, virtualization, network design or anything else tech-related, we can help. Contact us at Advanced Networks for more information.