IT Consulting in Los Angeles: The Necessity of Encryption - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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IT consulting in Los Angeles

IT consulting experts in Los Angeles strongly advise comprehensive encryption, and it’s worthwhile to hear them out. Data at rest can be corrupted or stolen, data in transit can be maligned, and the mobile infrastructure of modernity has introduced a whole new set of risks to the equation.

Cybercriminals Target SMBs

IT support professionals in LA understand cybercriminals target small to medium-sized businesses. A small business is more vulnerable, generally, owing to their own misconceptions about vulnerability. So regardless of your size, you need to protect operations. A few additional realities worth considering as you go about encrypting your data include the following:

Many Midwest Areas Are in an Economic Boom

IT consulting experts in Los Angeles observe that even rural locations may be affected by today’s technology climate. Texas housing is in a very notable boom presently. Consider: owing to increased COVID-19 restrictions on the coast, a lot of business is becoming centrally consolidated–housing is a key indicator of this reality.

Accordingly, cybercriminals are targeting rural, Midwestern areas more than ever. If you’re in Austin or Kansas City, you’re as much a target as if you were in L.A. Encryption is necessary for basic security.

Mobile Infrastructure Predicates Increased Encryption

Also owing to the current pandemic crisis, more businesses are leaning on remote infrastructure than ever before. Mobile operations are more vulnerable than on-site infrastructure, encryption helps counteract such vulnerability.

New Encryptions Become Necessary as Technology Advances

IT support is also fundamental in safeguarding operations regardless of international crises. Technology exponentially expands on itself anyway, keeping up-to-date on encryption is fundamental.

Safeguarding Data Coming, Going, and At Rest

Our IT consulting team in Los Angeles can help give you proper information to protect your operations in the midst of economic boom, safeguard mobile infrastructure, and maintain the latest encryption security in the face of continuing tech development. To learn more, contact us at Advanced Networks.

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