IT consulting in Los Angeles can be key in saving your business money through threat detection and avoidance provision. The right consultants can let you know where you were vulnerable and had no idea. There are many developing issues which blindside businesses. IoT, for instance, is often an open door for cybercriminals— though protection measures exist.
IT support firms in Los Angeles advise businesses to watch out for trending cybercrime threats and constantly follow what’s developing. Right now, three areas where businesses are routinely getting into trouble include:
Insecure Wi-Fi Networks
IT consulting experts in Los Angeles advise businesses to adopt a very strict policy with your BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) personnel that involves avoiding bad Wi-Fi networks. Hackers will design these as a means of either taking control of your device on the sly or stealing information.
If personnel is connecting to a network through a bad Wi-Fi portal, this can be a big problem. Educating personnel and adopting security best practices here are tactics to be recommended.
Apps Rife with Malware
IT support firms in Los Angeles additionally advise clients using apps to avoid third-party options. Though those may be cheaper, they often come saddled with malware like Trojan viruses. Only use apps that are approved.
Cryptojacking is when a hacker takes control of a device and uses it to mine Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency. This was a pretty big problem in 2019, and it has yet to abate in 2020. Safeguarding devices and monitoring device operation can help reduce the impact of cryptojacking.
Continuously Safeguarding Your Operations
IT consulting in Los Angeles through Advanced Networks can provide you with in-depth information pertaining to relevant threats and those which are very new. We can help you identify and avoid insecure Wi-Fi networks among personnel who aren’t on-site, keep your network clean from malware-ridden apps, and advise you on the best ways of avoiding cryptojacking. Contact us for more insight into these and other modern tech threats.