IT Services in Los Angeles: Most Recommended Cybersecurity Measures to Implement in Your Business

IT Services in Los Angeles: Most Recommended Cybersecurity Measures to Implement in Your Business

How much is your business investing in cybersecurity? For many small businesses, the answer is “not enough”. The threat of a cyber attack or data breach is a real cause for concern. Hackers are getting smarter, and there is always the risk that one of your employees’ missteps can compromise confidential information. To avoid the fallout of a data breach, consider making use of our IT services in Los Angeles.

Implementing Better Cybersecurity

If you want to upgrade your cybersecurity and make it a priority as you should, here are some of the most recommended steps:

  • Employee education – Employees with access to your network have the ability to enforce or derail many of your other efforts. That’s why there’s no substitute for educating your team about the dangers and risks of cyber attacks and how to protect business data. We offer security training services as part of our IT services in Los Angeles and can help get all your employees on the same page.
  • Access control – All points of entry to your company network must be safeguarded. Employee education helps with this, but experts also recommend that you limit who can access what data in your business. This ties in with effective password management and protection. Other measures to limit access include putting in place strong firewalls and encrypting Wi-Fi connections.
  • Routine updates – Your operating systems, programs, and apps must be kept updated to avoid being hit by avoidable security threats. Effective patch management and automatic updates can help.
  • Backup management – Everyone knows that backing up data is important, but the most important way to guard your business data is to make backups a priority. This means that data must be routinely and possibly automatically backed up to a secure location. Consider using the cloud as an effective off-site storage location.
  • Disaster response and recovery – In the event of a business disaster, you need a plan so that your team knows what to do and who should do it to ensure business continuity.
  • Mobile device management (MDM) – If you have a BYOD system or allow any mobile devices to connect to your network, security measures such as encryption and password control are needed.

If you want to improve your cybersecurity, Advanced Networks offers a diverse range of IT services in Los Angeles to help you. We can assess the strength of your current security policy and implement the cybersecurity measures discussed above to keep your business safe. Reach out to us to learn more.

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