IT Services in Los Angeles Are Revitalizing Healthcare

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IT Services in Los Angeles Are Revitalizing Healthcare

Surprising Applications

IT Services Los AngelesIT services in Los Angeles are providing security and IoT network solutions for more and more healthcare clients. The Internet of Things expedites healthcare delivery. Additionally, you’re going to see increased accuracy and record-keeping. The only downside to modern IoT integration is security and MSP solutions are quickly covering gaps which result from new tech.

There are several reasons for vulnerability: legacy equipment, uninformed individuals operating equipment, legacy software, and over-complicated networks that are impossible to fully monitor. All these problems can be overcome by an MSP, making it possible for healthcare industries to experience the substantial benefits IoT solutions provide. Four notable ones include:

  • Inventory management
  • Healthcare workflow optimization
  • Medical device integration
  • Protection of high-risk patients, like newborns

Inventory Management

IT services in Los Angeles can help healthcare facilities keep track of and allocate inventory resources more cohesively via IoT. What’s very interesting here is that many retail industries have already paved a trail here, allowing medical institutions to simply appropriate their best practices. MSPs are, again, instrumental in doing this quickly as well as effectively. As it turns out, many organizations in healthcare have yet to fully employ such solutions. This is a great way to get an edge up on competitive healthcare facilities while simultaneously cutting operational costs through redundancy reduction and providing better care for your patients.

Healthcare Workflow Optimization

RFID tags, wristbands, and ID badges can all be continuously tracked, detailing daily employee routes as well as daily equipment routes. Programs can automatically suggest optimization solutions which can be accepted or discarded as necessary. Certainly some physicians will need more elasticity in operations, but there are certain support personnel whose activities can be optimized cost-effectively.

Medical Device Integration

Have you heard of the “Fitbit”? This is a consumer device worn on the wrist which catalogs daily fitness routines and uploads them to the cloud where they can be kept perpetually, allowing you to see a record of your physical development over time. In the healthcare industry, there are many devices of this kind which can be seamlessly integrated into operations. Some examples include glucometers, blood pressure cuffs, and tech which collects information pertaining to vital signs. Such devices can expand operational effectiveness while simultaneously facilitating optimization.

Protection of High-Risk Patients like Newborns

Medical device integration leads to specific protections. Imagine if a certain vital dropped into “the orange” from “the green,” and the physician chiefly concerned with the patient being monitored were immediately notified on his or her mobile device. Now imagine that said notification goes out to a dozen qualified personnel, and the first one to respond on the device checks in on the patient. This way those busy with others can continue their work, and an issue that may be life-ending can be stopped before it becomes a threat. When it comes to patients on life-support and newborn babies— especially premature babies— such monitoring could be the only thing that keeps them alive.

Upgrading Your Healthcare Institution

IT services in Los Angeles can simultaneously save your healthcare facility money while optimizing operations and providing better patient services. You’ll need to secure your IoT networks, though. MSP support through Advanced Networks can provide just that. Contact us to boost your healthcare institution into the modern world.

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