Think back to the day you bought the computer you use for the majority of your work. Have you updated the operating system in the years since? Are you certain your web browser is the most current version? If you are unsure or if it has been a while since you have updated/replaced your computer, it is time to consider taking action to enhance your tech efficiency. Our IT support team in LA is here to help.
Consider Your Operating System
Whether you are using Apple iOS or Windows, it is imperative you set software for automatic updates. Such automatic updates will improve your computing efficiency and also protect against digital threats. Our IT support team in LA can help you implement these updates, regardless of the specific operating system you use for your business. However, there is a chance the chips within your computer are not compatible with newer operating systems. If you run into such problems when updating/installing, do not hesitate to reach out to our team for guidance.
Be Aware of Tech’s Useful Lifespan
Computers do not last forever. If your computer is more than four years old, it is time to consider replacing it. The prospect of replacing an old computer won’t sting nearly as much simply because computers and other tech are becoming that much more affordable as time progresses. In fact, those who use their computer on a daily basis might find it is best to replace the unit every three years. Upgrade to a new computer, and you will find it is faster and more efficient in all regards.
Is Your Computer Slowing Down?
If your computer is slow to start or delayed when you click or type, it is time to replace it. Brief delays might be acceptable, yet they will only get worse as time progresses. When in doubt, try out a co-worker’s computer to determine if it is faster than yours. If there is a noticeable difference in speed, do not hesitate to replace it with a newer and faster version.
Use the Latest Version of Your Preferred Web Browser
If you are using an outdated version of your preferred web browser, spend the little bit of time necessary to update it. Ideally, the browser will automatically update on its own. You can determine if you have the latest version of the browser by clicking the vertical ellipsis, also known as the hamburger, at the top of your browser and clicking “About” to find out more about the browser version.
Our IT support team in LA is here to help you overcome your tech challenges. Get in touch with us at Advanced Networks to find out how our services can improve your operations and add to your bottom line.