IT Support in Los Angeles Provides Secure, Effective Off-Site Communication Collaboration

IT Support in Los Angeles Provides Secure, Effective Off-Site Communication Collaboration

IT support Los AngelesA Service that is Increasingly Demanded

IT support in Los Angeles is more and more becoming characterized by a given MSP’s ability to provide connectivity support for those who are off-site, but yet have an integral role within a given company. Off-site communication collaboration solutions aren’t always orchestrated well and businesses need top-tier MSP support to find the right kind of off-site infrastructural solutions. There is a constant demand for access today and this increasing trend will certainly bring about better off-site communication solutions as time goes by. But in the meantime, retaining a competitive edge in such situations means finding solutions which already represent a known quantity.

There is a two-fold concern involved here. On the one hand, managers need to have effective, easy communication with off-site employees. On the other, employees don’t want to become irrelevant just because they’re not always visible to managers. The solution seems to be unified tools of communication which aren’t counter-intuitive, but are easily used. Before cloud computing, this was a very complicated thing to effect. Today, it is becoming increasingly doable, but the best solutions will usually involve communication services provided through an MSP of some stripe.

Types of Available Cloud Computing Services

IT support in Los Angeles characterizes a number of different cloud computing platforms which have varying uses depending on a client’s need. Several common ones include:

  • Fully cloud-hosted servers
  • Hosted email platforms of a basic kind
  • Network design
  • Off-site communication and collaboration solutions

It turns out that such services are additionally offered in a variety of forms, including Cloud Office, Hosted Exchange, and SharePoint. Of these three, the last is of chief concern to this writing. SharePoint is a communication and collaboration solution that allows for information that’s financial or of a confidential grade to be communicated reliably, safely, and securely. Truly mobile, off-site solutions which allow for data transmission and alteration become possible which frees businesses up in terms of infrastructure.

Consider an insurance claims adjustment agency, as an example. Did you know it’s possible to surrogate the claims officer? Let’s back up a moment: in 1999, Brad Pitt and Ed Norton starred in a film called Fight Club. Norton worked with an insurance company and would fly varying places to take pictures of accidents. But did you know that today, his job has basically been outsourced to the IoT cloud via application? It’s true. If you get into an accident in a rural region that is far enough from your insurance company’s basic office, you can download an application which allows you to take pictures of your vehicle’s damage, send it to the company, and receive an insurance claim check by direct digital transfer in your account within a week of the incident. USAA has done this with their PhotoEst app for smartphones.

Now, this isn’t quite the same thing as internal off-site collaboration and communication protocols, but it does accomplish some of the same functions. And as you can see, there is a high potential for savings.

Optimizing Communication

IT support in Los Angeles through Advanced Networks can employ cloud-based innovations like SharePoint to ensure off-site communication and collaboration goes as smoothly as possible. Contact us for simple, effective technology solutions that diminish expenses.

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