IT Support in LA: Does Your Business Need Data Backups? - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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IT support professionals in LA strongly advise SMBs to have some sort of data backup protocol in place. There will be times when inevitable situations force a shutdown, they push you into downtime, or something similar. Alarmingly, 50% of all small to medium-sized businesses don’t have any sort of backup whatever.

Signs You Need Backup

SMBs that have survived the present COVID-19 crisis were able to do so precisely because they carefully managed operations such that a few months of loss were sustainable. Is that the case with your operation?

Well, not having a backup can pull the rug out from under you, and you might lose a few months getting back to normal. Having a backup protocol in place can save you when this happens. If you don’t have one, here are some signs you should get one:

Sluggish Systems That Have Bugs

As IT consultants in Los Angeles note, slow systems that are buggy and won’t do basic things are on the edge of digital collapse. It’s absolutely integral to have some sort of backup protocol put in place and to test that protocol. Get at least three backups. Have one located away from primary operations or put online, and two separate ones on different kinds of media.

Older Software and Hardware

IT support experts in LA advise, when you’re operating on legacy hardware or software, that you determine how to backup data. The older the device, the greater the likelihood it will implode on you.

Longevity of Operations

Even if you’ve got fast systems that are new in terms of hardware or software, your length of operations alone could be a risk. The older your businesses, the more associated data follows in its operational wake. A data loss without backup could destroy you in a day.

Getting Backup on Which You Can Rely

Advanced Networks can help you stop sluggish systems, handle aging software or hardware, and assure security even in the wake of long-term operations. To learn more, reach out to our IT support team in LA .

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