IT Support in LA: Why Businesses Need to Watch Out for Ransomware Attacks - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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A couple of years ago, ransomware attacks were doing the rounds and making the headlines. In 2017, these attacks were at their peak. Many people fell victim and lost huge sums of money and important data. As knowledge spread and people started putting greater cybersecurity measures in place, there was some decline in the number of attacks. This time, ransomware is back, but the main target has changed. Cyber-attackers are now focusing largely on businesses more than they do on consumers. It’s become more important than ever for small and large companies alike to have adequate IT support in LA.

Why Businesses are the New Targets

Over the years, hackers have become even more sophisticated and crafty in their attacks. They saw considerable success from attacking consumers and individuals. Cyber-security training isn’t done across the board, and many people are unable to recognize a phishing scam or other social engineering attack. Because of this, people often give confidential info over to unverified emails and contacts. People have also had to pay ransom amounts to recover access to their emails, computer, and accounts. The tremendous loss of productive time and money have been well-documented.

This time around, hackers are looking to maximize their potential gains. Small and medium-sized companies, as well as large businesses with poor cybersecurity policies, present potentially ideal targets. Companies have much more sensitive data than individuals. They carry confidential customer, employee, supplier, and company information that can be exploited for bigger and better ransom rewards. The stats speak for themselves, with ransomware such as Phobos and Rapid being detected 940 percent and 319 percent more times in businesses in the last year, respectively. These facts are very alarming. Successful attacks are made possible largely due to poor cybersecurity.

How to Protect Your Business

There are so many potential cyber-threats facing businesses today. IT support in LA can help a business identify all the potential risks and put mitigating measures in place. Now isn’t the time to watch the increasing ransomware headlines and do nothing about it. Being proactive about safeguarding confidential business data has massive benefits. These include reduced attacks, faster cyber-attack response, decreased downtime, and business continuity.

Advanced Networks can provide you with the IT support in LA that you need to be ready for a ransomware attack. By having effective firewalls, email security, and data recovery measures, you can increase your peace of mind and protect your company’s important data. Contact us to learn more!

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