LA IT Support: Understanding Key Cyber Security Realities - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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Just as you put a lock on your door or install a burglar alarm at the location of your business, LA IT support experts advise that you should take special care to ensure cyber security solutions for IT environments are properly protective. Cybercrime is big business. In fact, it’s expected to top $10 trillion in annual impact by 2025.

Notable Realities Recommending Cyber Security 

IT consulting experts in Los Angeles advise a number of things, not least of which is the transitory nature of technology. As of 2021, do you realize systems like 911 call centers still operate on Windows OS which has reached its EOL (End Of Life)? Do you realize upgrade costs are sometimes $500k or more? Infrastructure publicly and privately can fall behind, and often that means it’s vulnerable. Here are a few things you should definitely be aware of:

Phishing Emails

Something you’ll find is a very big threat are phishing emails. LA IT support professionals advise that you should regularly updating employees in regard to best practices to avoid being phished. Often, phishers send emails that appear legitimate, but are not. “Spear-phishing” is when high-level managerial staff are targeted owing to their increased access privileges in terms of finances or data.

Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware is malware that holds your files hostage unless you pay a ransom. They can come through phishing, through poor internet use, and even sometimes through unsecured vulnerable areas of operations. The “WannaCry” ransomware worm infiltrated through Server Message Block (SMB) points several years back.

39% of Businesses Tend to Have Security Breaches Annually

According to a UK survey, 39% of businesses–just under 4 out of 10–experienced security breaches over a 12-month period; you can read more about it here. IT support experts recommend firewalls, employee training, antivirus software, regular patching protocols, and switching up security best practices as new solutions become available.

Strengthening Cyber Security

If you’re going to be secure as a business, you need cybersecurity services. Consultation through the right LA IT support provider can determine where your vulnerabilities are and how to patch them up. Contact us at Advanced Networks for ways how to protect your business.

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