Los Angeles Managed IT Support Services Is Now the Norm; The Age of Break-Fix Is Over - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

Managed services now represent an increasingly popular mode of IT infrastructure management, networks, and applications outsourcing. Unlike the classic break/fix model in which the IT supply takes place from time to time at the request of the client company.

In Los Angeles, managed IT support services provide an annual or multi-year plan covering all needs: from ICT governance to operation management, system and network management to virtualization, application, and data management. 

A compound annual growth rate of 12.7% is forecast for the global managed services market to reach more than 525 billion dollars by 2028. Besides, factors like the jump in cloud adoption, automation, and increased demand from SMEs that have also realized the value of managed services are driving this trend.

The Services Managed in Support of Organizational Changes

The first way managed services support the company concerns adapting to organizational changes, even sudden ones. During lockdowns, companies that had already activated managed services on workstations (PDLs) were able to start remoting all or part of their activities in record time without disrupting daily operations. In this case, managed services acted as a trait-d’union between traditional and “agile” work.

Managed Services Are More Affordable than Ever

The second benefit of managed services is the reduction of overall costs. Although the break/fix model provides for a lower initial cost, especially from the point of view of maintenance, Los Angeles managed IT support services are by far more convenient in the medium-long term. 

An advantage is both on direct costs because they include updates, patches, maintenance, and assistance and indirect costs due to the obsolescence of the hardware and software. 

Managed Services Help Focus on Core Business

Whether you are in the IT market or not, managed services relieve you of the burden of dealing directly with the technology that enables the business. From centralized hardware/software inventory management to licensing, from setting up the environment to managing mobile devices, everything needed on the information technology side is delegated to an external partner. 

Among other things, the latter has the contractual obligation, based on SLAs (Service Level Agreements) agreed with the company, always to guarantee high service standards.

Security and Compliance: Two Aspects that Are Always Present

In the current global scenario, it is not easy to counter threats from cyber-attacks nor to be able to constantly comply with the compliance rules dictated by the various states. If in Europe the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is now in force, in the USA, there is the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), to give two examples.

Managed service providers (MSPs) are great at IT security and have extensive expertise on privacy and data protection regulations. Of course, this overview doesn’t even begin to cover ways that managed IT can drive innovation and make money for your business. If you wish to learn more, contact us at Advanced Networks. Our Los Angeles-based IT support team is ready to help you.

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