Managed IT Services in Orange County: Best IT Practices to Protect Your Business Data - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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Managed IT Services in Orange County: Best IT Practices to Protect Your Business Data

managed IT services Orange County

The number of internet users is increasing by the day, and so does the need for managed IT services in Orange County. Cybercriminals have taken advantage of the statistics to benefit themselves through malicious cyber techniques. So far, over $2 trillio has been lost to cybercrime. Being meticulous with your IT infrastructure is necessary to protect your data. Data is valuable, and at the rate which cyberattacks are launched, no one is safe.

Observing the following best IT practices will safeguard your data, hence business continuity.

Conduct Regular Software Updates

10% of data lost by businesses is a result of software failure. By updating your computer programs and applications, you can remove bugs from your network. Hackers take advantage of the flawed security caused by unpatched software to launch attacks. Patching the flaws through software updates will eliminate vulnerabilities that can be used by hackers to access your system.

Provide Your Employees with Cybersecurity Training

Hackers use employees as entry points to an organization’s network. 98% of cyberattack are launched through phishing emails, which are opened on employees’ mobile devices. As long as your employee is using mobile devices, you have a security threat.

Working with managed IT services providers in Orange County to educate your employees on the existing threat and how to combat it can protect your data. Training your employees on the best IT security practices will keep cybercriminals away from your network.

Doing Regular Backup

Losing data can cripple your business operations. Downtime caused by ransomware can lead to losses that could make your business shut down. Doing regular backup gives you a plan B when disaster strikes.
You should have three copies of your data. Two copies should be stored in different medium on-site, and the third copy stored offsite. If your files are corrupted, you can still proceed with business operations. The idea of having a backup is to eliminate the single point of failure.

Practice Good Password Hygiene

You cannot depend solely on passwords to protect your data. However, they offer an extra layer of security to your IT infrastructure. Use strong passwords that are not obvious. Changing your passwords every 30 days will reduce the time a hacker has to obtain it. Also, avoid sharing your passwords as they may land in the wrong hands.

Businesses that have encountered cyber-attacks merely survive. Working with managed IT services providers in Orange County can make the implementation of IT best practices more effective. Doing regular software updates and training your employees on cybersecurity are some of the ways you can protect your data. At Advanced Networks, we offer guidance on how to apply the best IT practices. Contact us now for more information.

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