Mobile workplaces have been spreading the past decade as IT support firms in LA work toward making these environments more secure. The bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend is fusing into more of a long-term norm that isn’t going away due to the savings it brings to businesses. Here’s what you need to know about running a secure mobile workplace:
Understanding Mobile Security
One of the reasons why mobile workplaces are becoming more common beyond saving money on hardware is to give employees a sense of comfort. It also cuts down on equipment training. But security for mobile environments is a little different than for desktops because it’s more likely a mobile gadget will get lost or stolen than a desktop. Hiring a quality IT support team in LA is part of the solution since they have tools to monitor all the different devices accessing your network.
Due to the growth of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, many smartphone users download various apps that connect with remote devices. Apps, in general, create both convenience and vulnerabilities. Communication between devices is becoming much more common, leading to big data, storage and security issues. Notifications and other forms of communication create risks that confidential data will be shared with unknown parties.
Tips for Avoiding Breaches
- Take time to use app privacy settings
- Regularly backup all your mobile data
- Disable automatic backup to the cloud
- Shut off Bluetooth when the gadget is not in use
- Use antivirus on all mobile devices
- For iPhone 5 and later versions, enable Touch ID
- Protect mobile devices with firewalls
The best way to protect data in case a mobile device is lost or stolen is to enable remote location and device-wiping. That way, if the device disappears, a tracking app can locate its exact location. Furthermore, you’ll be able to wipe the data, preventing complete strangers from accessing it. Another protective strategy is to lock the device, making it difficult for someone to access confidential data without the password.
Most modern smartphones allow the user the option of setting an automatic lock on the device after a certain period of inactivity. This lock will have the same effect as a locked phone without a password, which makes it practically useless to a thief. Should an employee decide to sell their mobile device, make sure they know how to wipe all your company data before doing so.
Mobility is becoming part of workplaces, especially those with remote employees. You can create the most secure conditions by working with IT support experts in LA and applying the tips discussed above. Contact us now at Advanced Networks to learn more about how to maintain a safe mobile environment.