Understanding Primary Cloud Options and Their Differences | IT Services in Los Angeles - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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Cloud Computing Isn’t “Monolithic”

Sometimes it’s not about something working or not working, it’s about associated convenience. For most, cloud computing is quite convenient. For some, though, proprietary operational aspects restrict cloud use. For example, The Pentagon can only use cloud tech in a limited capacity owing to national security. IT services experts in Los Angeles advise that you must determine which aspects of the cloud can help your business, and which won’t really do you any favors. 

Three Primary Areas of Cloud Computing

A professional IT consultant in Los Angeles can examine your business and tell you precisely where cloud computing protocols will assist operations. Some companies have more in-depth needs than others. Some may require aspects of all three primary cloud offerings. Essentially, the majority of cloud computing solutions can be summed up in the following offerings:

1. IaaS

IT services experts in Los Angelesadvise Infrastructure as a Service to burgeoning and established businesses alike. IaaS makes it so that what on-site servers would traditionally do becomes available through the cloud at a fraction of the cost. Instead of sourcing servers, space, energy, and personnel, you simply pay a subscription fee and get the same hardware utility.

2. SaaS

Software as a Service references cloud-based software which runs from the networked servers on whatever cloud platform you’re using. Such software can be accessed wherever trusted internet connections are, and regardless of the sort of web portal being used; as the software is run from the cloud. Big Data applications and more are available via SaaS.

3. PaaS

An IT consultant in Los Angeles will likely advise Platform as a Service solutions specifically for the development and deployment of software or other applications. Essentially, app development can be focused on in a more efficient development environment.

Cloud Options Matching Business Needs

Our IT services professionals in Los Angeles can help your business determine if IaaS, SaaS, or PaaS is best for your business. Sometimes, a little of each may make the most sense. Every business is different. To get an idea of which cloud options may best serve your operation, reach out to us at Advanced Networks.

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