Why Two-Factor Authentication Is Now the Norm | IT Support in LA - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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It was not long ago when two-factor authentication was considered unnecessary, excessive, and slightly annoying. As time has progressed, two-factor authentication has quickly become the security standard for businesses. Though typing in a second passcode for two-factor authentication certainly takes additional time, it is worth the effort. Here’s a quick look discussed by our IT support team in LA at why two-factor authentication is now the digital security standard for businesses.

A Quick Explanation of Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication implements an extra security step to ensure the user entering his or her username and password is legitimate and authorized to access the account. Instead of simply typing in a password, two-factor authentication includes the addition of a second passcode, often sent by way of a text message. This passcode is time sensitive so it expires in minutes. If desired, our IT support team in LA can set up two-factor authentication so users enter a second code each time they log onto your company’s system.

Two-Factor Authentication Beyond Texts

There is a common misconception that two-factor authentication involves a text message. Though text messages can be used, this security standard also has other ways to transmit the second passcode. After all, it is possible for advanced hackers to redirect text messages. As a result, some prefer using a keyfob or app for code generation.

The Digital Security Standard

Two-factor authentication is essential to your business’s security. This additional layer of security makes it that much more difficult for cyber miscreants to crack passwords and illegally access the system. Even if a hacker were to crack your passcode, he or she probably won’t be able to receive your text messages to complete the second leg of the two-factor authentication. In fact, the implementation of this additional digital security layer alone has the potential to intimidate the hacker to the point that he or she moves on to a less secure target.

Two-factor authentication has also become the digital security standard for businesses as it makes it that much easier to identify suspicious activity. If there is a successful login yet the subsequent authentication layer is not passed, it is a sign there is shady activity. Two-factor authentication logs such activity, making you aware of the threat so you can respond accordingly.

Work with the IT Professionals

There will come a point in time your business should have IT support in LA. If you do not yet have a tech expert at your service or if you are unhappy with your current tech support, reach out to us today. Our team is here to solve your tech problems and maximize the impact of your tech investment. Contact us to learn about our IT services.

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