Why You Need Managed IT Services for Your Law Firm in Orange County to Be More Competitive - Managed IT Services Los Angeles
managed IT services Orange County

Running a law firm in Orange County can be hectic, but the workload can be made easier by customized managed IT services. The 2017 Tech Report estimated that 60% of law firms budget for technology. If you own a small, mid-sized, or large law firm, it is vital to have IT systems that are optimized for your resources and needs. Law firms have been revolutionizing their services to be more commercial amidst economic and competitive pressure. IT technologies are among the ways you can differentiate your business from those of your competitors and survive in an ever-dynamic landscape.

Why Does Your Law Firm Need IT Support?

The benefits of getting managed IT services for your Orange County law firm are endless. One legal area that could benefit from advanced IT systems is lawyer-to-client communication. Whether you are dealing with clients in emergencies or routine consultation, clients need 24/7 access to your offices. The communication between the two parties can be enhanced by instant messaging channels or solutions like Microsoft Outlook email systems. Clients need to be continuously updated on the progress of their cases, which is why you need channels that keep up with their queries.

Legal institutions deal with confidential and sensitive information daily, which makes their security and compliance requirements unique. Clients trust your firm with information and leave the burden of protecting its integrity with you. You need private and secure systems that will withstand cyber-attacks.

IT Services for Law Firms

Law firms should consider IT services like:

  • Cloud Services – Cloud computing is an efficient way of storing and securing a firm’s data. Law firms deal with stacks upon stacks of paper, and employees spend a lot of time sifting through files to find certain information. By embracing cloud computing, employees can easily log into the system and search for the data they require, which will save time and boost company productivity.
  • Data Backup and Disaster Recovery – Cybercriminals are always on the prowl for confidential information and financial documents, which make law firms particularly vulnerable. Data can also be erased by viruses or lost when hardware like laptops are misplaced or damaged. A law firm that operates without secure backup systems is, therefore, treading on risky grounds. Your managed services provider (MPS) should provide offsite storage for your files and ensure fast recovery for lost files. They should also offer dependable data backup solutions that archive everything that relates to your firm.
  • Security – Your law firm should employ data and email encryption strategies to protect sensitive information. Small firms are often easy targets for cybercriminals because they do not invest a lot in reliable internet security software. To protect your company’s system, invest in antivirus protection, wireless protection, computer data security, and intrusion security.
  • Remote Working – By creating a virtualized database for your employees, you will give them the flexibility to work from anywhere. Time is essential in the legal sector, and you need to provide channels for legal professionals to collaborate and to communicate with their clients.


You can consult a managed IT services provider for the latest IT technologies for your Orange County law firm. At Advanced Networks, we go beyond the basics and analyze your company’s needs to recommend the IT solutions that will enhance productivity in your firm. Contact us now for a comprehensive IT package.

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