Working with IT Consulting Experts in Los Angeles to Help Train Staff Through Simulated Phishing - Managed IT Services Los Angeles

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The Value of Simulating Cybercriminal Activity

People learn better through experience than being told. But how do you give your staff the “experience” of being impacted by a phishing attack that was avoidable? Well, that’s where simulating phishing attacks starts to make sense. And for that, you need to work with IT consulting professionals in Los Angeles.

How to Simulate Phishing Exercises

Beyond the actual phishing attacks themselves, which are best orchestrated through MSPs or the like, it makes sense to exercise some careful best practices in the aftermath. Consider the following:

You Might “Trick” Some Team Members; So Don’t Be Hurtful, Help Everybody Do Better

IT consulting experts in Los Angeles advise that before you do the simulated phishing attack, you should educate your team. Afterward, a few of them will be “tricked”. That’s the goal of the exercise. When team members get “tricked”, don’t be hurtful as you show the rest of the team what they did wrong, and what should have been done.

Leaders Need to Own Up To It If They Get Hoodwinked; It’s Good For Everyone

Phishing hacks tend to “lean on” managerial staff. The “big fish”, as it were, are those employees. So you’re going to have to hoodwink a few of them. They need to know beforehand that this is what’s going on. This is good for the company–when managerial staff are appropriately gracious. So prepare them, though don’t let them know who will ultimately get “phished”. Ideally, none of them do. Realistically, at least one will drop the ball.

After the Exercises, Look At Associated Results Together, Not Individually

It would be good if you let IT support professionals in Los Angeles look at the results of your simulated phishing attack as a team. Everybody can learn, there’s a greater likelihood of humble acceptance of responsibility among leaders or other staff, and ultimately your operation should be stronger as a result.

“Fishing” for Areas of Improvement

IT consulting experts in Los Angeles advise criticism be constructive, not hurtful, leaders be included in situations of simulation for their sake and that of the company, and that results of simulated phishing attacks be shared corporately with the entire team rather than on an individual basis. To learn more, contact us at Advanced Networks.

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