The 10 Most Common IT Problems and How to Solve Them | Advanced Networks

The 10 Most Common IT Problems in Businesses and How to Solve Them

For owners that face frequent technology issues in their business, their costs are 16x higher, on average than businesses that don’t.

This staggering statistic highlights how detrimental common technology problems can be for businesses that don’t have a tight handle on solving problems as they come up (or ideally avoiding them altogether.

In this blog, we’re going to explore the 10 most common IT problems in business today, including what you can do to avoid them completely and, if you can’t avoid them, how to solve them and prevent them from hurting your bottom line.

The 10 Most Common IT Problems in Business Today

1. Lack of IT Security

One of the most common IT problems for businesses is a lack of IT security, leading to potential security risks, cyber attacks and data breaches. 

These types of events can lead to loss or theft of sensitive information, reputation damage, loss of customer trust, legal fines, and more.

To avoid this problem, implement secure password policies for all employees, regularly update software with the latest security patches, have a reliable backup system in place for your data, and train employees on proper IT security measures and protocols. 

In the event that your business does experience a breach or attack, act quickly to contain and minimize any damage done while informing affected parties as necessary. 

If you don’t have the capability to implement a robust cyber security system yourself (and manage it on an ongoing basis) you may want to consider hiring a managed service provider and utilizing their support services.


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2. Slow Network Speeds

Slow network speeds, and internet connectivity issues in general can lead to decreased productivity and frustration amongst employees, as well as loss of potential business opportunities.

The best way to avoid this problem with your IT, make sure you have the proper infrastructure in place for your needs and regularly check for any potential issues that could be causing slow internet and network speeds. You can also improve network efficiency by minimizing unnecessary network usage and utilizing bandwidth management tools. 

If you are still experiencing slow network speeds after taking preventative measures, it may be time to consider upgrading your IT infrastructure or switching service providers. 

3. Hardware Failures

Hardware failures are a common IT issue business owners face and can lead to loss of important data and productivity disruptions while waiting for repairs or replacements.

To side-step this issue, properly maintain all hardware equipment and consider investing in extended warranties or IT support contracts. It’s also a good idea to regularly perform data backups and have a disaster recovery plan in place for how your team can continue working in the event of something as minor as a blue screen of death or major hardware failure. 

4. Software Incompatibility Issues

Frequent software updates can lead to compatibility problems, causing slow performance or potential loss of data.

To avoid this IT problem, make sure all software is updated on a regular basis and consider implementing a company policy that requires employees to use the same (compatible) versions of necessary software. 

If you aren’t able to avoid compatibility issues, try working with IT professionals to find solutions or switch to compatible software as needed. 

5. Poor Communication Systems

Inefficient communication systems can lead to confusion amongst team members and missed opportunities for collaboration.

Consider investing in reliable communication systems such as video conferencing software and ensure that all employees are properly trained on their use. Regularly review the effectiveness of your communication systems and consider implementing new cloud-based technology or strategies as needed. 

6. Lack of Mobile Accessibility

In today’s world, it’s important for businesses to have a mobile presence in order to stay competitive (especially considering that many people now work remotely). 

A lack of mobile accessibility can lead to missed opportunities for potential customers and a negative reputation amongst consumers who expect companies to keep up with current technology trends.


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To avoid this IT problem that many businesses face, make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices and consider creating a mobile app for your business if it aligns with your overall goals and target audience.

 In addition, train employees on how to properly use mobile devices for work purposes and implement any necessary security measures and requisite cloud services. 

7. Technology Overload

Implementing too much technology at once can lead to confusion among employees and decreased productivity as they struggle to adapt to the new systems.

Avoid this problem by carefully assessing if new technology is truly necessary for your business needs before implementing it. Have a clear plan in place for how employees will be trained on the new technology and provide ongoing support as needed.

It’s also important to regularly review the effectiveness of different technologies and make adjustments or cut out any that aren’t serving their purpose. 

8. Unreliable Backups

Not properly backing up important data can lead to loss of critical information and major setbacks for your business.

You may want to give serious thought to implementing a regular backup schedule and storing backups in multiple secure locations. Consider investing in automated software solutions to regularly back up important data (preferably to the cloud) and make sure all employees are aware of the importance of backing up their work. 

If your data is lost, IT professionals can help with recovery efforts or retrieving backups. 

9. Cybersecurity Threats

Cyberattacks can lead to loss of valuable information, damage to your company’s reputation, and potential legal issues.

Reduce the likelihood of experiencing this problem by investing in reliable cybersecurity measures such as firewalls and malware protection software. Train employees on proper internet usage and security protocols to minimize risks, regularly update passwords and access privileges, and work with IT professionals to regularly assess and improve your cybersecurity measures. 

10. Inadequate Training and Support

Without proper training and support, employees may struggle to effectively use technology or may not know how to properly address IT problems, leading to decreased productivity and frustration (and even accidentally deleting mission-critical data).

Provide ongoing training for any new technologies implemented in the workplace and offer resources for employees to seek IT support as needed. Consider hiring an IT professional or team to provide additional technical expertise and support. 

By investing in employee education and support, you can prevent IT problems and ensure that technology is being used efficiently in the workplace.

IT Problems in Business

Choosing a Reputable Managed IT Service Provider to Help You Avoid Becoming Victim to These Common Technology Problems

Advanced Networks offers a variety of IT services, from simple monthly agreements to full cloud-hosted servers and network designs. We pride ourselves on our managed IT service background and our close working relationships with a diverse range of clients who are realizing their business potential.

If you’d like to see how we can help your business protect its bottom line by avoiding all the major IT problems listed above, please schedule a free consultation with us today.

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